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    محطة توليد طاقة كهرومائية بقدرة 10 ميجاواط



    This is the sale of a building permission and a project for the construction of a Hydro Power Plant in Brazil. This Hydro Power Plant has an installed Power of 10M, it is located on the Lava ludo river, in the municipalities of Sao Joaquim and Urupema, in the state of Santa Catherine.


    • Installed power= 10 MW
    • Physical Guarantee (firm power)= 5.2 MW (Average)
    • The engine consists of 3 Francis Simple Turbines, with a gross head of 54.7 m.


    • The project meets its basic design with approved DRS, Environmental Study filed to obtain the Prior Environmental License.
    • The connection to the system will be through a 34.5kV transmission line with a length of 15 km connecting the 138 kV bus of the SE Coletora of the Lava ludo developments, to be built in consortium with several other plants.
    • Details General Arrangement, Schedule and Budget
    • The reservoir has an area of 63 ha of total area.
    • The dam will be rockfill with clay core, 211 m long and 22 m high.
    • The proposed spillway is of the lateral channel type, 100 m long, with design capacity of 1450 m3/s.
    • Adduction is carried out through a tunnel with a length of 2,487 m. The implementation timeline is 18 months.


    The total cost of implementing this project is pre-estimated at R$72 million ($15,000,000 USD)

    Basic Details

    Target Price:


    Gross Revenue

    يحدد لاحقاً


    يحدد لاحقاً

    Business ID:



    Business ID:L#20230503
    Property Type:محطات توليد الطاقة, محطات توليد الطاقة
    Property Status:For Sale, للبيع
    Target Price: $5,000,000
    Gross Revenue:يحدد لاحقاً
    EBITDA:يحدد لاحقاً
    Target Price / Revenue:5000000x
    Target Price / EBITDA:5000000x
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      شركة تكنولوجيا مالية أفريقية ذات خدمات شاملة للشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة


      محطة توليد طاقة كهرومائية بقدرة 33 ميجاواط و4x HPP

      Centrale Idroelettrica da 33 MW 4x HPP

      This is the sale of a building permission and a project for the construction of a Hydro Power Plant in Brazil. This Hydro Power Plant has an installed Power of 10M, it is located on the Lava ludo river, in the municipalities of Sao Joaquim and Urupema, in the state of Santa Catherine.




      The total cost of implementing this project is pre-estimated at R$72 million ($15,000,000 USD)

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